
More than 70 years


We have a wide range of



to improve your yields

We grow without compromising


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Given the scarcity of financial intermediaries in the agricultural sector, we have assumed the commitment to develop financial services that favor the productivity and development of farmers with various support schemes for their productive projects, giving the added value of providing supervision, advice and monitoring in the various stages of the process.


Obtain the necessary supplies for your crops and pay for them at the time you sell your products.


Appropriate credits to your needs derived from primary production, distribution for the sale of supplies, Parafinancial or Dispersion schemes, agricultural machinery and specific support aimed at protected agriculture.



Este tipo de esquemas permiten otorgar créditos de avío en determinados cultivos específicos que el FIRA apoya, con plazos mayores a los que pueden accederse a través de créditos comerciales directos.


Solución financiera que otorga los insumos necesarios para los
cultivos pagados a la cosecha. Disponible para productores,
dispersores o habilitadores y subdistribuidores.


Supplies to the harvest

Depending on each crop requirements.


Fee per hectare

A fee per hectare is established. Fertilizers, agrochemicals, seeds (if applicable) and agricultural insurance are included.


Payment date

Payment date once your products are traded.

  • Competitive conditions in interest rates.
  • Agronomic and financial advice.
  • Agile and timely authorization.
  • You will have everything your crops need in at the right time.
  • Cultivation insured by the best national companies in the agricultural sector.
  • Setting an appropriate expiration on the date of sale of crops.

GRAINS    Wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, beans and chickpeas.

OLEAGINOUS    Safflower, soy and cotton.

VEGETABLES    Strawberry, broccoli, chives, brussels sprouts, and industrial potato

PERENNIALS    Coffee, asparagus, vine / table grape, lemon, alfalfa, orange, palm, walnut oil.

PROTECTED AGRICULTURE    Tomato, chile, cucumber, berries, raspberry and blueberry.

FRUIT TREES    Apple tree, avocado, papaya and banana.

  • Contar con documentación oficial (Credencial de elector o Pasaporte vigente)
  • Have positive references in the Credit Bureau.
  • Present financial information for the last 2 years.
  • Legal documentation (only for Legal Persons/Companies).
  • Submit application in Parafinanciera Tepeyac® format.
  • Have experience in the business of at least 3 years.

Créditos adecuados a tus necesidades, derivados de la producción
primaria, distribución para venta de insumos, esquemas de
Parafinanciera o Dispersión, maquinaria agrícola y apoyos dirigidos a
la agricultura protegida.



Support with cash financing.

a quienes apoya

Who does it support?

Producers, sub-distributors, dispersers and collectors.

que apoya

What does it support?

Acquisition or payment of supplies.

In fertilizers, agrochemicals, seeds and cultural work. As well as we repair agricultural machinery, irrigation systems and physical facilities in protected agriculture.

  • Competitive conditions in interest rates.
  • Agronomic and financial advice.
  • Agile and timely authorization.
  • You will have everything your crops need in at the right time.
  • Cultivation insured by the best national companies in the agricultural sector.
  • Setting an appropriate expiration on the date of sale of crops.

GRAINS    Wheat, corn, sorghum, barley, beans and chickpeas.

OLEAGINOUS    Safflower, soy and cotton.

VEGETABLES (open sky)    Strawberry, broccoli, chives, brussels sprouts, and industrial potato

PERENNIALS    Coffee, asparagus, vine / table grape, lemon, alfalfa, orange, palm, walnut oil.

PROTECTED AGRICULTURE    Tomato, chile, cucumber, berries, raspberry and blueberry.

FRUIT TREES    Apple, avocado, walnut, papaya and banana.

  • Have positive references in the credit bureau.
  • Submit financial information for your last 3 years and a partial information less than 3 months old at the date of the application.
  • Legal documentation (Legal Persons/Companies).
  • Present the Sofom Tepeyac® application.
  • Prove experience in the agricultural field.